Winners Leaderboard
BICS divides their members into the following categories:
Large College: 7500 Students or more
Small Colleges: 7499 Students or less
This criterion has changed over the years (and/or colleges have grown/shrunk), so some colleges have appearedin both categories over the years (e.g. UL, DCU).
The current BICS membership is made up of:
Large Colleges: DCU, DIT, Queens, TCD, UCC, UL, University of Galway
Small Colleges: CIT/MUTC, DBS, DkIT, GMIT, Griffith, ITTD, Mary Immaculate (MIC), National College of Ireland (NCI), NUIM, RCSI, TUS, WIT.
Note not every college has entered each year.
Leaderboard: Number of BICS Awards wins all-time:
University of Galway: 81
UCC: 49
DCU: 38 + 1 Special Mention
DIT/TU City Campus: 34
IT Tallaght/TUD Tallaght: 33 + 1 Special Mention
MTU Cork: 29
MIC: 24
UL: 19
RCSI: 19
TCD: 18
MU: 17
DkIT: 9
IT Tralee/MTU Tralee: 9
GMIT/ATU Galway: 4
NCI: 4
UCD: 4
DBS: 2
Letterkenny IT/ATU Donegal: 2
QUB: 2
TUD Blanchardstown: 3
TUS Midlands: 1
TUS Midwest: 1
Best Society (1996 – 2013, then changed into Best Society (Civic/Charity) and Best Society (Cultural/Social/Academic) from 2014:
Overall (before the Large/Small split in 2003):
1996: MU - Youth Resource Society
1997: NUIG - Political Discussion Society
1998: NUIG - Political Discussion Society
1999: TCD - DU Players
2000: NUIG - Music Society
2001: DCU - RedBrick
2002: DCU - DCU Drama
2003: UCC - Philosophical Society
2004: UCD - Lit & Hist Society
2005: UCD - DramSoc
2006: NUIG - Juggling Society
2007: NUIG - Film Society
2008: DCU - DCU Drama
2009: UL - International Society
2010: TCD - DU Players
2011: DCU - Media Production Society
2012: UCC - LGBT Society
2013: QUB - SWOT
2003: DCU - DCU Drama
2004: MU - Drama Society
2005: UL - Gan Ainm Society
2006: CIT - International Students Society
2007: MIC - Tae-Kwon Do Society
2008: MU - GLBT Society
2009: CIT - International Students Society
2010: DkIT - Media Society
2011: IT Tralee - Radio Society
2012: DkIT - Media Society
2013: DBS - Radio DBS
Best Society - Civic/Charity (2014 – present):
2014: DCU – Raising & Giving (RAG)
2015: DCU – Raising & Giving (RAG)
2016: NUIG - Draíocht Society
2017: NUIG - Climate Change & Food Safety (CCAFS) Society
2018: DCU - Raising & Giving (RAG)
2019: UCC - Surgeon Noonan
2020 (joint winners): NUIG - Slainte Soc
2020 (joint winners): UCC - Cancer Soociety
2021: UCC - Surgeon Noonan Society
2022: UCC - Surgeon Noonan Society
2023: UCC - Surgeon Noonan Society
2024: University of Galway - Feminist Society
2014: Letterkenny IT – Gaisce Society
2015: MIC - One World Society
2016: IT Tralee - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2017: IT Tralee - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2018: CIT - Enactus
2019: CIT - LGBT* society
2020: CIT - LGBT
2021: TUD Tallaght - Islamic Society
2022: MTU Cork – Women in STEM
2023: RCSI - Paediatric Society
2024: RCSI - Paediatric Society
Best Society – Cultural/Social/Academic (2014 – present):
2014: UCC – Economics Society
2015: DCU - Media Production Society
2016: NUIG - Medicine Society (MedSoc)
2017: NUIG - Medicine Society (MedSoc)
2018: NUIG - GUMS Musical Society
2019: NUIG - GIG (LGBTQA+) Society
2020: NUIG - Dramsoc
2021: MU - Disney Soc
2022: NUIG - MincÄ—irs Whiden Society
2023: UCC Gov & Pol Soc
2024: University of Galway: Dramsoc
2014: CIT – International Students Society
2015: IT Tallaght - Radio Society
2016: IT Tallaght - Radio Society
2017: CIT - Guild Gaming Society
2018: MIC - MIDAS Musical Society
2019: CIT - LGBT* society
2020: MIC - MIDAS
2021: MCI - MIDAS
2022: RCSI – Emergency Society
2023: MCI - MIDAS
2024: MTU Cork - MTU Glór Choral Society
Best Society - Departmental (2020 - present):
2020: UCC - Pharmacy Society
2021: UCC - Science Society
2022: NUIG Med Soc
2023: University of Galway - WiSTEM
2024: University of Galway - Zoological Society
2020: MCI - Music Society
2021: RCSI - Surgical Society
2022: MTU Cork – Programming Society
2023: RCSI - Emergency Society
2024: MTU Cork - Civil & Structural Society
Best Event (1996 - present):
Overall (before the Large/Small split in 2007):
1996: UCC - Philosophical Society (World Debating Championships)
1997: UCD - Photographic Society (The Clock Montage)
1998: TCD - DU Players (ISDA Festival)
1999: UCC - WARPS (Warpcon IX Games Convention)
2000: NUIG - Society Slave Auction
2001: NUIG - The Wizard of Oz
2002: TCD - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2003: NUIG - Inter-Society Musical
2004: NUIG - Drama Society (ISDA Festival)
2005: DIT - Fashion Society (Fashion Show)
2006: DCU - Style Society (Fashion Show)
2007: TCD - Bio Soc (Med Day)
2008: DCU - Style Society (Fashion Show)
2009: TCD - The University Philosophical Society (The Trials of Oscar Wilde)
2010: TCD - DU Players/Comedy Soc (Trinity Fringe Festival)
2011: TCD - DU Players (Shakespeare Festival)
2012: QUB - SWOT Society (Fashion Show)
2013: UCC - Environmental Society (Feeding the 500)
2014: DIT – Fashion Society (Fashion Show)
2015: MU - Maynooth Students for Charity (The Galway Cycle)
2016: DCU - MPS DCUtv 24-hour Broadcast
2017: NUIG - Sláinte Soc (The Teddy Bear Hospital)
2018: DIT - Japanimation/Gamesoc (Shurikon 2018)
2019: NUIG - Paediatric and AMSI (Healthy Heroes)
2020: NUIG - Anime & Manga Society (Akumakon)
2021: NUI Galway - Anime and Manga Soc, Book Soc, Video Game Soc, Comp Soc, Fan Sci, Radio Soc, Potter Soc, Time Lord Soc (Societies Online Collaboration - S.O.C. Stream Series)
2022: TUD City - LGBTQ Rainbow Week
2023: University of Galway - Anime & Manga Society (Akumakon) SPECIAL MENTION DCU - Karting Society
2024: University of Galway - Fansci (Itzacon)
2007: IT Tallaght - Radio Society (ITTFM Radio Week)
2008: IT Tallaght - Radio Society (ITTFM Radio Week)
2009: MIC - MIDAS Musical Society (Disney's Aladdin)
2010: MU - Style Society (Fashion Show)
2011: IT Tallaght - Radio Society (ITTFM Radio Week)
2012: NCI - Peer Mentor Society & Business Society (Boardroom Challenge)
2013: DkIT - ESN Dundalk (Launch of ESN Dundalk)
2014: MIC – MIDAS Musical Society (Cats: The Musical)
2015: CIT - Musical Society (Carrie: The Musical)
2016: IT Tallaght - Radio Society (ITTFM Radio Week)
2017: CIT - Musical Society (American Idiot)
2018: CIT - Musical Society (Bad Girls: The Musical)
2019: MIC - MIDAS (Seussical The Musical)
2020: MIC - MIDAS (A Chorus Line)
2021: MTU Cork - Glor Choral Society (All Ireland Choral Intervarsities)
2022: RCSI - PIBS (Diwali Celebrations)
2023: MCI - Midas (Upstaged)
2024: RCSI - Paediatric Society (Teddy Bear Hospital)
Best Online event (2022)
2022: UCC - Economics Society
2022: RCSI - Cancer Soc
Best New/Most Improved Society (1999 - 2002, then changed to two separate categories in 2003):
1999: CIT - Web Development Society
2000: TCD - Sign Language Society
2001: WIT - Admin Society
2002: UCC - European Society
Most Improved Society (2003 - present):
Overall (before the Large/Small split in 2007):
2003: NUIG - Choral Society
2004: DIT - Architectural Society (winners) & IT Tallaght - Drama Society (special mention)
2005: UCC - Simon Society
2006: DCU - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2007: DIT - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2008: NUIG - Music Society
2009: NUIG - Law Society
2010: DCU - Media Production Society
2011: TCD - Card & Bridge Society
2012: UL - Out In UL
2013: NUIG - Medicine Society
2014: UCC – Amnesty International Society
2015: MU - The Literary & Debating Society
2016: DIT - Dance Society
2017: UCC - Medical Society
2018: DCU - Sustainable Living Society
2019: TUD City - Art & Design
2020: TUD City - Drama Society
2021: UCC - Biomedical Science Society
2022: -
2023: -
2024: UCC - Global Justice Society
2007: IT Tallaght - Radio Society
2008: IT Tralee - NetSoc
2009: IT Tallaght - NetSoc
2010: CIT - LGBT Society
2011: IT Tralee - LGBT Society
2012: MU - Anthropology Society
2013: MIC - Creative Writing Society
2014: CIT – Music Society
2015: Letterkenny IT - LGBT+ Society
2016: IT Tralee - Music Society
2017: IT Tallaght - Islamic Society
2018: IT Tallaght - Radio Society
2019: TUD City - Art & Design
2020: TU Tallaght - Engineering & Technology Society
2021: RCSI - Leadership and Healthcare Management Society
2022: -
2023: -
2024: TUD Blanchardstown - Eastern European Soc
Best New Society (2003 - present):
Overall (before the Large/Small split in 2007):
2003: NUIG - Human Rights Society
2004: MU - Blues Society
2005: DCU - Murder She Wrote Society
2006: NUIG - Business Society
2007: DCU - Book Soc
2008: UL - Outreach Society
2009: DCU - Japanese Society
2010: UL - Anime & Manga Society
2011: NUIG - Comic Book Society
2012: DCU - Raising & Giving (RAG) Society
2013: MU - The Finomics
2014: NUIG – Astronomy Society
2015: UCC - Suicide Aware & Mental Health (SAMH)
2016: UCC - Musical Society
2017: NUIG - Paediatric Society
2018: DIT - Mature Students Society
2019: UCC - WiStem
2020: UCC - Scribble Society
2021: NUI Galway - WiSTEM
2022: UCC - Cooperative Society
2023: UCC - Neurodiversity Society
2024: UCC - UCC Pop Culture Society
2007: DkIT - Innovator's Club
2008: IT Tallaght - International Cultural Society
2009: DkIT - Media Society
2010: IT Tallaght - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2011: IT Blanchardstown - LGBT Society
2012: NCI - NCItv
2013: DBS - Dance Society
2014: MIC – Harry Potter Society
2015: IT Tallaght - Engineering & Technology Society
2016: Joint Winners IT Tallaght - Cumann Gaelach & MIC - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2017: IT Tralee - Events Society
2019: IT Tralee - Spark Society
2020: CIT - SiFi Society
2021: MTU Cork - WiSTEM
2022: TUS Midwest - LGBTQ +
2023: TUD Tallaght - Formula Student Society
2024: MTU Cork - Formula Student Society
Best Society Individual (1999 - present):
Overall (before the Large/Small split in 2007):
1999: DIT - Martin Byrne
2000: DIT - Jarlath Molloy
2001: NUIG - Heather Murphy
2002: TCD - Seosaimh Mac Reamoin
2003: DCU - Cliona Casserly
2004: NUIG - Peter Mannion
2005: UCC - Rodhan McAodan
2006: NUIG - Donna Cummins
2007: DCU - Roibeard O Mhurcu (aka DramaBob)
2008: DIT - Ian Mullin
2009: NUIG - Peter Mannion (same name as 2004's winner, but different student)
2010: TCD - Ross Dungan
2011: UL - Kieran Phipps
2012: NUIG - Lily McGarry
2013: TCD - Lorcan Clarke
2014: UL – Triona O’Sullivan
2015: UCC - Garret Mulrain
2016: DCU - Eoin Lúc Ó'Ceallaigh
2017: UL - Michael O'Donnell
2018: UL - Conor Walsh
2019: UCC - David Synnott
2020: DCU - Kate Gurren
2021: NUI Galway - Hannah Aris
2022: UCC Colm Cleary - Music Society
2023: University of Galway - Nessa O’Connor
2024: UCC - Emer Neville, (Pop Culture, Feminist, Government & Politics Societies and An Chuallacht UCC
2007: DkIT - Jiwan Jodhani
2008: MU - Paul Donnelly
2009: MU - Erin Barclay
2010: DkIT - Ros Madigan
2011: IT Tallaght - Damiola Agunbiade
2012: NCI - Katie Donohoe
2013: GMIT - Katherine Long
2014: IT Tallaght – Emma Nolan
2015: Joint Winners CIT - Megan Cronin & IT Tallaght - Christopher McClelland
2016: Joint Winners CIT - Martin Crowley & IT Tallaght - Emma Mullan
2017: MIC - Rachel Dunne
2018: GMIT - Siobhan Conroy
2019: CIT - Zack Nutchanat
2020: MIC - Sinead Doyle
2021: RCSI - Emmanuel Eguare
2022: RCSI - Olivia Jagiella-Lodise Orthapedic Soc
2023: RCSI - Katelyn Hudak
2024: TUS Midlands - Amanda Keyes (Law, Drama & Music Societies
Best Society Fresher (2003 - present):
Overall (before the Large/Small split in 2008):
2003: DCU - Riona Judge McCormack
2004: NUIG - Ciara Norman
2005: NUIG - Joanne Coffey
2006: MU - Breege Clarke
2007: NUIG - Thomas Cryan
2008: DIT - Lukasz Luniewski
2009: TCD - Marc Atkinson
2010: DIT - Stephen Pierce
2011: Joint Winners TCD - Joel Loll-McKeever & DIT - Ruth Murray
2012: NUIG - Christopher Moran
2013: UCC - Samantha Cooney
2014: DCU – Eoin Lúc Ó'Ceallaigh
2015: DCU - Cáit Ní Cheallacháin
2016: NUIG - Ciaran MacChonncairraige
2017: NUIG - Daniel Emmet Leahy
2018: UL - Ethan Carey
2019: DCU - Dylan McClorey
2020: MU - Grace Johnson
2021: NUI Galway - Anna Lee Dowling
2022: UCC Hazel Young UCC Cancer and Enactus
2023: University of Galway Sava Beekman
2024: University of Galway: Latisha McCrudden (Minceirs Whiden, Politics Soc, Law Soc)
2008: MU - Lydia Roxanne Farrell
2009: DkIT - Iarla O'Neill
2010: IT Tallaght - Pearse Corcoran
2011: NCI - James Dowling
2012: Joint Winners IT Tallaght - Laura O'Dowd & DkIT - Rachel Maher
2013: MIC - Caoimhin O Ceallaigh
2014: MIC – Damien Kiely
2015: CIT - Stephanie Fogarty
2016: IT Tallaght - Valentina Milicic
2017: IT Tralee - Triona Clifford
2018: IT Blanchardstown - Noah Halpin
2019: TU Tallaght - James Curry
2020: CIT - Sharan Shaju
2021: TU Dublin Tallaght - Caitlin McMullen
2022: RCSI Katelyn Hudsk Surgical Soc
2023: MTU Zoe Lamb
2024: U Dublin Tallaght Campus -Lucy Meagher (Fashion Society)
Best Poster (2004 - present):
Overall (split between Large/Small in 2007 and 2008 only):
2004: UCD - Lit & Hist Society
2005: DIT - Fashion Society (Fashion Show)
2006: DIT - Artichoke Society
2009: DCU - Style Society
2010: DCU - Airsoft Society (Zombie Week)
2011: DCU - Style Society (Fashion Show)
2012: NUIG - DramSoc (Hamlet)
2013: NUIG - Film Society (B-Movie Festival)
2014: DIT – Fashion Society (Fashion Show)
2015: DIT – Fashion Society (Fashion Show)
2016: DCU - Fotosoc (Night Photography Workshop)
2017: NUIG - Philosophy Society
2018: NUIG - Drama Society
2019: UL - Drama Society
2020: UL - Film Society
2021: NUIG - Musical (GUMS) & Dramsoc
2022: NUIG - GUMS Musical Society
2023: RCSI - Pride Society
2024: RCSI - Pride Society
2007: UCC - Film Society (Night at the Movies)
2008: TCD - College Historical Society
2007: IT Tallaght - Drama Society (Faust)
2008: MIC - Dramatic Arts Society
Best Society Photo (2014 - present):
2014: NUIG – Rover Society
2015: UCC - Indian Society
2016: DIT - Dance Society
2017: UL - Airsoft Society
2018: DIT - Photo Society
2019: DCU - Rag society
2020: UCC - Science Society
2021: TUD City - Photo Society
2022: NUIG - India Soc
2023: University of Galway - Zoo Soc
2024: RCSI - Photography Society
Best Society Promotional Video (2014 - present):
2014: IT Tallaght – Radio Society
2015: DIT - Reel Soc
2016: DIT - Fashion Society
2017: UL - Drama Society (Warrior)
2018: DCU - Media Production Society (LADS)
2019: UCC - Surgeon Noonan Society
2020: UL - Environmental Society
2021: NUIG - FanSci
2022: MU - Musical Society
2023: DCU - Media Production Society
2024: RCSI - Caribbean African Society
Best Publicity Campaign (2014 - present):
2014: UCC – Cancer Society
2015: IT Tallaght - Radio Society
2016: DIT - Fashion Society
2017: GMIT - Film Hub
2018: NUIG - Energy Society (Galway Energy Summit 2018)
2019: TU Dublin City Campus - Japanimation Society
2020: TU Dublin City - Japanimation and Game Societies (Shurikon)
2021: NUI Galway - Musical (GUMS)
2022: NUIG - Med Soc (100 Miles with Medsoc)
2023: RCSI - Paediatric Society
2024: UCC - Global Justice Society
Best Intervarsity (2015 - present):
2015: NUIG - Potterfest Galway
2016: NUIG - Potterfest Galway
2017: NUIG - DramSoc
2018: DIT - DJ Society (Spinoff 2018)
2019: TUD City - Dance Intervarsities
2020: TUD City - DJ Society (Spinoff)
2021: MTU Cork - Glor Choral Society (All Ireland Choral Intervarsities)
2022: UCC - Law Soc (Law Intervarsity)
2023: RCSI - Emergency Society (Sim Wars)
2024: DCU - Dance Society
Best Mental Health Promoting Event (2016 - present):
2016: GMIT - Positive Mental Health Society (Walk the Talk)
2017: UL - Drama Society (Stigma)
2018: DIT - Mental Health Society (#MindYourHead)
2019: UL - Drama Society (Voices of UL)
2020: MU - Mental Health Society (Young Mentality Movement Festival)
2021: UCC - Failte Refugees
2022: UCC - Failte Refugees
2023: University of Galway - Med Soc (Shave a life)
2024: University of Galway - Law Soc
Best Green Initiative (2019 - present):
2019: UL - Environment Society (Plastic Campaign)
2020: UCC - Surgeon Noonan Society (Kilo Clothing Sale)
2021: UCC Pharmacy Society - BNF Drive
2022: NUIG - Energy Soc (Anti Fast Fashion Week)
2023: UCC - Enactus Society (Sustainable Community Market)
2024: University of Galway: Environmental Society (Organic garden move and upgrade)
Discontinued Awards
Best Civic Contribution (2009 - 2013):
2009: NUIG - Voluntary Services Abroad Society
2010: TCD - St. Vincent de Paul Society
2011: DIT - Sign Language Society
2012: NUIG - Feminist Society
2013: NUIG - Draoicht
2009: IT Tallaght - Radio Society (Transition Year Radio Project)
2010: MIC - One World Society
2011: IT Tallaght - Radio Society
2012: MIC - One World Society
2013: MIC - RAG Society
Best Website (2004 - 2010, then replaced by Best Online Presence):
Overall (split between Large/Small in 2008 only):
2004: DIT - LGBT Society
2005: NUIG - Computer Society
2006: DIT - LGBT Society
2007: NUIG - Voluntary Services Abroad Society
2009: NUIG - Choral Society
2010: DCU - Media Production Society/DCUfm
2008: DCU - RedBrick
2008: IT Tallaght - NetSoc
Best Online Presence (2011 - 2013):
2011: DIT - Sign Language Society
2012: DCU - Media Production Society
2013: UCC - Philosophical Society
Special Achievement Award (1999 - 2001, discontinued since):
1999: UL - History Society
2000: WIT - Music Society
2001: TCD - St. Vincent de Paul Society