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The Green-Campus Programme has been in operation in Ireland since 2007. At present 60 Campuses are formally registered on the Programme, with twenty-two awarded the Green Flag including two teaching hospital sites.
The Green-Campus Programme encourages a partnership approach to environmental education, management and action in third level institutions. The Programme primarily aims to ensure that members of a campus community can engage in a meaningful way to enhance sustainability on campus. It must be noted that the Green-Campus Programme does not reward specific environmental projects or implementation of a new technology. Rather it rewards long term commitment to continuous improvement from the campus community.
The programme is operated and coordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce - the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) member for Ireland.
Established in 1975, Comhlámh is a member and supporter organisation open to anyone interested in social justice, human rights and global development issues.
Comhlámh works to mobilise for an equitable and sustainable world.
Some of the key issues with which Comhlámh engages include:
Overseas volunteering,
Trade justice,
Development education,
Anti-racism activities

StudentVolunteer.ie is an online resource connecting students with community volunteering projects all over Ireland and beyond! Browse through arts, culture, environment, social justice and education volunteering opportunities, then log your volunteering time to build up your portfolio of experiences. www.studentvolunteer.ie